Identifying Lawn Diseases and Pests


Lawn Problems

Below you will see the most common problems that affect lawns in South Africa.


Brown Patches

Brown patch disease is caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia. This disease causes patches of dead brown grass in hot and humid weather, especially in mid-to-late summer. Brown patch creates yellowish-brown irregular circular patches in your lawn, surrounded by a smoke ring border.

Dollar Spots

Dollar spot causes sunken, circular patches that measure up to 5 cm in diameter on golf greens and several inches on higher mown turf. The patches turn from brown to straw colour and may eventually coalesce, forming irregularly shaped areas.


Anthracnose causes discoloured, patchy lawns and the appearance of sunken spots in well-manicured lawns. The discolorations are rarely uniform ā€“ green grass will usually be seen in between the discoloured grass. There are no patterns to the infection necessarily.

Fairy Rings

Fairy rings are circular areas of abnormal turf growth that are most commonly found on lawns and golf courses where soils have high levels of organic matter, and in areas where trees have recently been removed.


Rust is a fungal disease that occurs on turf grasses when their growth is slowed. This usually happens in late summer or early fall, during periods of dry weather or when the grass is low on nitrogen. Lawn rust can weaken the vigour of the grass and open it to other diseases and turf problems.

Slime MouldĀ 

Slime moulds don’t cause diseases on turfgrasses but occasionally cause concern when they suddenly appear as white, grey or purplish spore masses on the blades. They are not parasitic on grass but feed on other microorganisms, such as other fungi and bacteria in the soil and thatch.


Lawn Caterpillars

Destroy lawn overnight. Lawn Caterpillar are normally a problem during the summer months, but are easily controlled by our treatments.

Mole Crickets

Mole Crickets can infest turfgrass and create problems for turf development and turf quality. Most of the damage normally occurs below the soil surface in the root zone, but can occur also above the soil surface, where the insects feed on the leaves. Left untreated, mole crickets can become very destructive to turf.


Termites are some of the most destructive lawn pests that you may find in your garden. Not treating them properly can lead to the total loss of lawns and flowers. Termites can be a problem all year round and when noticed, the best time to act is immediately. They form subterranean tunnels which in seriously infected areas become interconnected in a large network.


Ants are social insects which build their nests in soil, wood or other suitable substrates.They occasionally become a problem in turf when they invade lawns, parks, golf courses, playgrounds, cemeteries and other turfgrass areas.



Sorrel is a common weed of dry acid soils and will be found on grassland and in lawns. The leaf of sorrel has a distinctive arrowhead shape with ‘spikes’ of leaf sticking out the side at the base of the leaf. It spreads with shoots arising from creeping rhizomes giving dense patches of weed.It is also one of the most difficult weeds to control due to its massive root structure it produces as well as the small leaves it has.

Wonder Lawn

Wonder lawn is a groundcover with dark green, small clover like leaves. It is an attractive substitute for lawns on sloping areas and between stepping stones and paving where mowing is not possible. It is very low maintenance. Hard wearing and quick spreading it forms a dense carpet and grows well in sun and shade.Many people plant this as groundcover, but due to its vigorous growth it can become a problem on lawns.

Yellow Nutsedge

Yellow nutsedge is most problematic in turf that is mown too short, and it thrives in areas where soils remain moist from poor drainage or over- watering.However, yellow nutsedge can also be a problem in well-drained areas, especially thin turf.

Buckhorn Plantain

Buckhorn plantain is most common on sandy dry soils, although it can grow in dense lawns with moist rich soil.

Poa Annua

Poa annua grass, also known as annual bluegrass, is an annual weed that is commonly found in lawns, but can be found in gardens as well. It is rather difficult to control because the plant will produce several hundred seeds in one season, and the seeds can lay dormant for several years before sprouting.


Pythium Blight

The symptoms can easily be mistaken for leaf spot, so be certain you obtain an accurate diagnosis. Gray, cottony mycelium may be seen in the infected areas when the leaves are wet or humidity is high. It can cause widespread damage very quickly when conditions are favorable for development.

Smooth Creeping Milkweed
This weed can be found in paved areas as well as in lawn. Purple to reddish colour leaves, with either a reddish or green stem.If the stems are broken, a white fluid is exuded.

White Clover

A clover that has three leaves connected to the main stem. An inner white smoke ring can be seen on all the leaves. Very unsightly when it is found in lawn, and can completely replace lawn in where they occur.During flowering season, a white flower is produced. Very common on the Cape Coastal areas, but can also be found in other provinces.


Carrot Weed

This weed can be found in paved areas as well as in lawn. Hand removal is almost impossible due to its capability to regrow from roots left behind.

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